

Setting aside cliché introductions, I go by ❝Heart.❞ As both an artist and writer, I enjoy bringing my characters to life within scenes shared with others. In addition to portraying my characters through vivid writing, I also illustrate them. The pieces showcased here are my creative expression of these characters.

👁️ World of Darkness excerpts 🦇

Courtney stood there as Amanda's muddied buckeyes gazed into her own, a silent accusation or apology bated by shuddering breaths. The contrast between them was palpable—the kindred had the allure of eternal youth while the frail mortal, marked by addiction and desperation, looked like common street trash... she used to look like her... hunger like her. It made a prickling sensation go all down her body like shoddy back alley acupuncture of the heroin needle variety.A pang of guilt tightened Courtney's chest as she realized the cruelty in her initial reaction. Amanda was but a victim of circumstance, ensnared in the relentless grip of addiction—something Courtney knew all too well. Swallowing roughly, she casted a wary glance around the lounge to make sure their conversation remained private. Leaning in close, she lowered her voice to a barely audible whisper, determined to bridge the gap of the table that divided them. "Hey... are you hungry... need a shower?" Her bottom lip quivered... fuck she felt like shit. How could she ever say sorry? Instead of making the woman leave forcefully, she'd try damage control. "I mean, hell, need a drink?" She knew that offer might've made her an enabler, but she just needed to show some kind of warmth. Also, it didn't help Amanda left Court with her self-flagellating thoughts in the silence.--------------------------------------The kindred's mind was halved as she did her feedings—Courtney's hand, her nails, they dug in the opposite shoulder while another squeezed a bicep, it was like a kitten nursing as they primed and kneaded their claws. Sweetly, her tongue lapped at the woman's skin, having a dopamine rush tingle the wrinkles of her brain as each of Juni's heartbeats gushed a wave of iron upon Courtney's inner lips... washing over her bleach-white canines and inner throat as she noisily, audibly drank from the woman. "G'nNk... G'mp... Gr'Mch!" Like a starved parasite, she fed, the blush of life returning to her face, making her kissed and pecked visage more peachy. As she giggled against Juni's neck, her vibrations sent shivers through the flesh, and the earlier hickeys paled in comparison to the one she was creating now.---------------------------------------Carrie wasn't one to grovel and suckle at the teat, so to speak, but when the vial was offered with the tilting of her head, her cheeks grew hot and stuff, it was especially apparent since her skin was akin to fine porcelain, a brilliant milky white. As the nirvana graced her lips and poured down her throat, she made an effort not to come off as too needy, but the huffing of breath and relief was palpable, her eyes said thanks as she adjusted her posture after so. The taste, the consistency? Carrie's teeth were painted a shade of pink as she washed it over her tongue with satisfaction... only then did the goosebumps come out with that tingly high of the skin. Fuck it felt good... Carrie's breath was labored, she almost forgot to breathe. "I... expected the whole vial." She admitted, feeling stupid after saying so. "I'm... yes... I'm feeling better." She acribed to the woman, making sure to not repeat her earlier mistake of leaving her waiting for an answer.

📽️ Raven Creek Blues 🎞️

Jodie had an odd air about her. This led to a lot of people distrusting Jodie at first whenever in a new settlement, but that was the art of charisma and seduction, after all. There was a thing to be said about coming off as too bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and rather earning everyone's trust, because when shit got real, they could depend on her, rather than a mousey cutesy image like many expected from someone with her height and facial features. One could see the effort in her eyes like all seasoned survivors. To put it simply, she looked real; honest. No one made it through this life without blood on their hands. With that being so, she was slowly but surely winning them all over as her name was spoken of like an old friend when they'd mention her to other wary members. Jodie had done this song and dance many times before, it wasn't personal.Jodie walked with a soft step through the halls; the building of a lumber factory. In the back, there was a slew of tree trunks, and at the heart of the building was a large workshop save for the addition of it being remodeled into a small form factor hospital for the Nomenclature's fucked up experiments. There was a slew of unique zombies in Raven Creek, unseen anywhere else in the united states. These were called, for the lack of a better word, 'special infected.' They ranged from tier one all the way to tier three; the higher the number, the more intelligent their actions were with three being almost human. These were disturbing anomalies, as they were typically leaders of hordes and used them to attack settlements. Similarly, they have one of every tier in little glass rooms, doing experiments to see if they could turn them back into the living, much less letting them bite captives in other fucked up experimentations.Finally, Jodie reached the end of the hall and walked into the kitchen area. Previously, there had been a glass pane through which Jodie could see the girl. She quickly devised a brief plan in her head, intending to sit down with Enid, who was a person of interest to the Rust Rat. "Hrhm..." She hummed as she gathered her rations of vegetables and rice, courtesy of the farmers via trade. Without thinking to ask for permission, she sat down across from the girl at the lunch table. Jodie wore a warm smile, tilting her head to the side to show off her bright-white teeth. She tried to lay on a thick layer of friendliness, despite not saying a word. Enid should've felt a degree of appreciation, as no other would be caught dead sitting with the girl. "You're Enid, right?" She asked, assuming might've been abrasive, but she was quick to break the ice. "I heard good things about you." She lied, it was an utmost form of pity if not aggressive.

📓 Beyond Two Souls ✨

Ashes, cinder, laments of pain, the sound of metal screeching and wailing as it's torn apart—Jodie jerked awake from her slumber with a sheen of sweat sticking to her body. Her eyes said it all, much less the white-knuckled grip she had upon the bedsheets while she panted and choked on saliva to catch her breath. "Fuck!" She cursed before palming the sides of her face. A few tears hardly weakened her resolve... there was still trauma that needed to be worked out. This was all part of the healing process. However, she wouldn't be alone for long. Like a draft, a presence could be felt as it came into the room, it was familial, actual blood turned ethereal. It was the only person she could ever trust. Despite the taboo of their relationship, including his disgruntled opinion of past lovers, Aiden being there was akin to a lover placing a hand on her shoulder after a nightmare. It was hard to explain the bond they had even while assuredly platonic.Cut to, Jodie... well, Hannah, she was looking in the mirror as she brushed her teeth... it was funny to think at one point she was afraid to stare at her reflection, but no, she wasn't that scared little kid anymore, and neither was her brother, the two neither feared man or entity. Slipping into both comfortability and professionalism, Jod-Hannah carried herself with poise. The softness of her sweater was complemented by the bite of her leather jacket and shoes as she stepped out the front door of her apartment with 'buds in each ear. She grew soft and complacent, she trusted the world again to let her guard down. A little bit of music on her walk to the coffee shop couldn't hurt, right? However, she wasn't completely without vigil eye, Aiden watched like a guard dog as she walked with hands buried in jacket pockets—the aroma of coffee tickled her nose... today was going to be a good day... like the past year and a half. She needn't fear old wounds, it was mostly out of spite for the nightmares... she wouldn't let it influence her - today.With an arm nudging the door open of the coffee shop, the bell dinged above, prompting Hann to take the 'buds out from her ears with a mild 'lost' look in her expression as she tried to shake off the morning rust. While heading up to the front counter, in her hubris of rubbing her eyes, she ran into an older woman, that - woah - she wasn't able to tell the model from the brief contact, but the energy that emanated from the woman's piece had bad 'vibes,' this wasn't a detective or policewoman, the energy behind it had... a hint of malice? Of course, all guns did, but there was another energy... and the bad had the majority pull on that gun. However, that didn't inherently mean Sunny was a bad person. "UhHh, sorry~!" Hann raised a hand to cover her mouth while the other tried to assure the woman. Luckily, it seemed there was no spill or otherwise. Despite this mistake, she got in line, shaking her head with a hand covering her face. Her nerves were on edge... maybe the nightmares still had an effect on her... her mind was still awash with trepidation.


You have reached the end.Shoo!—Shoo!Also, make sure to pick up after yourself; an absurd amount of popcorn is getting fixed in the carpet.

My Discord is  ❝Lady_Cardiac,❞
feel free to reach out.